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Meet our Invertebrates

All our invertebrates live at home with me (Hayleigh) and my family. They are provided with daily care, love, and attention. Every animal is provided with a safe and hygienic enclosure equipped with food, water, and environmental controls, all suited to their individual needs and requirements.

Letirant's Leaf Insect

Scientific Name: Phyllium letiranti "Tataba"

Where they live: Indonesia

Habitat: Tropical forests

Lifespan: Up to 1 year

Adult size: 7-9.5cm

Diet: Bramble, Rasberry, Oak...

Activity: Daytime feeding

Sociability: Solitary

Interesting fact: A new species, described in 2018 by Royce Cumming & Sierra Teesma, & was named to honour Stephane Le Tirant - collections manager of the Montreal Insectarium.

Leaf Insect. Peleng leaf insect (Phyllium letiranti "Tataba")

Rodatzi Giant African Land Snails

Scientific Name: Achatina fulica ''Rodatzi''

Where they live:East Africa

Habitat: agricultural areas, coastal areas, wetlands, forests, urban areas, and riparian zones.

Lifespan: 10-15 years

Adult size: 18cm, 32g

Diet: Fruits & Veg, occasional protein source - dried insects, and calcium

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Solitary in wild

Interesting fact:  Giant African land snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive parts. However they still need a mate to produce viable offspring.

Jadatzi giant african land snails, Achatina Fulici

Black Beauty Stick Insect

Scientific Name: Peruphasma schultei

Where they live: Peru,  

Cordillera del Condor 

IUCN Status: Critically endangered

Habitat: Volcanoes or mountains

Lifespan: Up to 1 year

Adult size: 5.5cm

Diet: Privet, Lilac, Japanese Laurel and Honeysuckle

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Social

Interesting fact: This species was first discovered in 2005  by German wildlife expert Rainer Schulte. 

black beauty stick insect nymph
Giant Olive Millipede

Giant Olive / Ghana Speckled Leg Millipede

Scientific Name: Telodeinopus autii

Where they live: Africa (Togo, Ghana)

Habitat: Tropical forests

Lifespan: Up to 1 year

Adult size: 16-19cm

Diet: Detrious, fruit & veg, calcium/cuttle fish

Activity: Crepuscular & Nocturnal

Sociability: Solitary

Interesting fact: Males can be identified easily as the legs on the 7th segment are replaced by gonopods.

Giant Prickly Stick Insect, (Extatosoma tiaratum) on bramble being handled

Macleay's Spectre / Giant prickly stick insect Stick Insect

Scientific Name: Extatosoma tiaratum

Where they live: Australia

Habitat: Eucalyptus forests

Lifespan: Up to 1 year

Adult size: 10-13cm

Diet: Eucalyptus, Bramble

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Solitary

Interesting fact: When feeling threatened, they will curl their tail up over their  body to mimic a scorpion. These are however completely harmless and easy to handle.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Scientific Name: Gromphadorhina portentosa

Where they live: Madagascar, Africa

Habitat: tropical lowland rainforests

Lifespan: Up to 5 years

Adult size: 5-7.5cm

Diet: Omnivorous, fruits & veg, protein, grains

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Colonies

Interesting fact: These are one of the largest species of cockroach worldwide. These raoches are not pests and do not infest homes - phew!

unicorn snail

Unicorn Snail

Scientific Name: Subulina octona

Where they live: Indonesia

Habitat: Tropical forests

Lifespan: 2.5 years - 4years

Adult size: 2-3 cm

Diet: Herbivorous & detrivorous - fungi, lichens, vascular plants, veg & calcium source like cuttlefish or kale

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Highly social, living in large colonies

Interesting fact: They are hermaphroditic meaning they have both male & female reproductive organs. They reproduce through internal self-fertilisation.

Dairy Cow Isopod, isopods, woodlice

'Dairy Cow' Isopod (Woodlice)

Scientific Name: Porcellio laevis "Dairy Cow'

Where they live: Europe

Habitat: Tropical forests

Lifespan: 2-3 years

Adult size: 1.5 - 2 cm

Diet: Detrivorous - forest materials such as decaying wood & leaf litter

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Colonies

Interesting fact: Females carry their fertilised eggs in a pouch under their abdomen until they hatch.

Giant West African Land Snail / Banana Rasp Snail

Giant African Land Snail (GALS)

Scientific Name: Archachatina Marginata ''Cameroon'

Where they live: Africa

Habitat: Tropical forests

Lifespan: 5-88 years

Adult size: 15cm+ shell length

Diet: omnivore

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Solitary

Interesting fact: Archachatina marginata meat is considered a delicacy in the forest zone of West African. Apart from its nutritional value, it is also used in traditional medicine to cure kidney disease, tuberculosis, anaemia, diabetes, and asthma.

Powder Blue Isopods, isopods, woodlice

Tropical Grey/Powder Blue Isopod (woodlice)

Scientific Name: Porcellionides pruinosus

Where they live: Europe

Habitat: Forests

Lifespan: 1-2 years

Adult size: 1-1.2cm

Diet: Detrivorous - forest materials such as decaying wood & leaf litter

Activity: Nocturnal

Sociability: Colonies

Interesting fact: This species has a unique  appearance, as if coated in a powdery substance, giving it a pretty, velvety look.

Gold-edged bandtail millipede

Scientific Name: Coromus diaphorus

Where they live: Western Africa

Habitat: Humid & shady forests

Lifespan: Approx. 1 year

Adult size: 6-8cm

Diet: Detrivorous

Activity: Crepuscular & 

Sociability: Solitary

Interesting fact: This species of millipede has 17 body segments. It is a species of Polydesmida, which is the largest order of millipedes.

Blue death-feigning beetles

Blue Ironclad Beetles

Scientific Name: Asbolus Verrucosus

Where they live:  southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico

Habitat: Sonoran and Mojave Deserts

Lifespan: 8 years

Adult size: 1.3-2.5 cm

Diet: Decaying organic matter

Activity: Diurnal

Sociability: Solitary but can be kept communally in captivity

Interesting fact: These beetles appear blue due to a waxy secretion designed to keep them cool under the hot sun.

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